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Dr. Andries Gouws

  • Position: Director
  • MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS : Pr Sci Nat (Agricultural Science), South African Society of Soil Science

Andries is a qualified agricultural development expert, specialising in natural and human resource evaluation and management in urban and rural context with the aim to establish economically viable and integrated resource-sustainable community-based agricultural projects. He has been involved in a number of multi-disciplinary research projects with the objective of creating sustainable jobs in areas with limited natural resources. His core responsibility is the capacity evaluation for human settlement, planning for farming enterprises, with special reference to vegetation, soil and climate's capacity to accommodate enterprises such as animal production and crops.Formal qualifications include soil science, water quality assessment as it relates to agriculture and human settlement, interpretation of remote sensing (satellite imagery), land use planning and CAD applications.

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Dr. Eugene Gouws

  • Landscape Architecture
  • Conservation Planning and Tourism
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Prospecting and mining applications

Eugene is a landscape Architect by training but specialised in environmental planning. He gained experience in the planning of tourism facilities and in the planning and zoning of conservation areas when working in Mozambique on the proposed Elephant Coast National Park in the south of Mozambique. More recently he has become involved with applications for prospecting and mining rights and in the EIA's and Environmental Management Plans of mines and their compliance with the various acts and regulations that impact on mining.

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Marchelle Terblanche

  • Human resource assessment and skills analysis to determine real community-based needs, which guide the technical planning to some extent.
  • Social assessments, socio-economic survey, public participation programmes, awareness campaigns and feasibility studies to predict the impacts of developments on social environments.
  • Institutional development (legal entity formation and community-based structures), basic skills development training.

Marchelle has been a sub-consultant for a number of engineering and environmental organizations on Environmental Impact Assessment projects and Mining right applications since 1997. She has developed expertise in social assessments and the impact of developments on the general social fabric and demography of affected communities in a positive and negative sense.

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